Thursday, 20 September 2012

Nar Drop B'y

So this has been the best summer since the dawn of time. Warm. Sunny. Dry. Very dry. Locals have told me they haven't seen the pond this low in 40 years. I believe it.
This is the driest I've seen it. Its only our fourth summer here but its parched. Every drop of rain we have had has been collected in buckets for flushing. Drinking water is brought in. Over 100lbs those big blue containers are. The furred and feathered get their required ration. Veggies got whatever fell from the sky.
We have dug wells here on The Compound. Three of em. Primary well is in the house and has been dry since early June, I think. The secondary well has been down to less than 12 inches of water now for months. The tertiary well is up in the woods and it has a good bit of water. Getting that water from 3 to 2 or 1 is not so easy.
Now there was some panic a couple days ago when the pump on well 1 went haywire. Thought I'd have to get out the shotgun but it came back. Thank goodness.
Also thank goodness that its still warm and dry considering it could be cold and dry nearing the end of September. Himself gets what shower water ration is available. Why? Because I told him there was a little girl in the pond. Ages ago. But he is hasn't gone swimming since. What a sook. But this means my bathwater is getting cooler everyday. Nothing like hopping in the pond at 6am because Land and Sea is arriving at 9 but at least that was in August. But I'm no diva so as long as the well(s) recovers before the ice is on the pond we'll be alright. I know, but its a good thing I'm cracked and this isn't complainin' its explainin. Snort.
Gotta love the Laundromat. "Still nar drop, maid?", says ole feller.

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