Thursday, 15 March 2012

Operation Homespun - The Prequel

How happy I was in 2009 when I heard the news. Finally finally finally Operation Homespun was going to be reprinted. When I was a little girl...eight or thereabouts...with two years of knitting under my belt a pattern book was published. And as I am looking at the letter written by Miss Anna Templeton (not to be confused with my late maternal grandmother Alma Templeman) it appears that it may have been written on my eighth birthday. Funny. But I digress as is my norm.
Back in the day Mom had a copy and so did Nan T. But not me. I had a photocopied sock pattern out the book and was allowed to peruse the actual book carefully. I would say year after year I wish they would reprint that pattern book. But it was not to be for DECADES.
Mom told me that the day had come and we both went down to the Anna Templeton Centre and got Bev to crack open the first box. And finally I had my own copy! Oh frabulous day!
Now don't get me wrong. It has its quirks. Some errors here and there. Pencil drawings of the finished item that sometimes look nothing like the item in question. But that's half the fun. Last year I knit the bloomers in fern green. Awesome! I will add a picture the next time I see them.
I have two copies now. Full of scribbles. Still haven't knit everything but I am working on it. So you might be wondering why this is the prequel. Well its like this. Last year it was announced that there was going to be an Operation Homespun exhibition at the Gallery at Devon House. A knitting exhibition! At the Gallery! For Operation Homespun- The Next Generation! Well holy homespun Batman. So I figgered I do a bit about it over this next week. It opens March 24...only nine more sleeps...

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