OMG lately I have been following #sealhunt on Twitter. And I am telling would think every single sealer is a psychopathic murderer if you believed what was said.
Now I think I am a pretty sensible person. To each their own. If you want to be vegan fill yer boots. If you want to be vegetarian fill yer boots. I think people should be able to marry whoever they or straight. I think that its a woman's choice. If you want to praise Jesus go ahead. If you want to it as long as its in season and done legally. And obviously some of these things are waaaaay more important than others.
Now I am religiously challenged. I do not believe. But I don't get on my high horse telling those who do that they shouldn't.
I eat meat and I have hunted bunnies. I have eaten bunnies. And yes bunnies are cute. They eat my vegetable garden. But I don't tell non-bunny eaters to chow down. Just like they shouldn't foist tofu on me.
Now to my original head aching point. The anti seal hunt fanatics...yes the fanatics...not the quiet ones...say sealers and their supports are bullies and thugs and murderers. Now let me just say right off the bat...yes bat...I am not a denier. Bad things happened to seals. Well they die which is bad for them but there have been incidents ( just like there have been in every industry involving creatures) that were less than humane.But there are ~9 million seals out there and most of the less than 400k quota harvested are slaughtered correctly.
Seals are not people. Ergo they cannot be murdered. People who slaughter seals are hardworking brave folk. Dads, pops, brothers and some moms and nans too probably in this day and age. If its not as profitable as it was who's fault is that. Tax dollars going towards supporting the hunt? Well my take on the anti seal hunt crowd complaining about can't salt the land and then complain nothing grows.
Am I mad? Well on one hand I am mad that people attack me for supporting the hunt. Saying if I do I shouldn't be allowed pets. That you can't love animals and support eating meat or wearing sealskin. And on and on in crazed rhetoric. On the other hand fanatics are fanatics are fanatics. Its not that I want them to give up their beliefs but mind their own business. But then I is a business.
What they don't know is that seals are important to Newfoundland. Many a youngster or oldster for that matter survived because of spring sealing. To me it makes sense to harvest seals. They can be eaten. The oil is good for you. Their fur is warm and waterproof. And its a sustainable hunt. But that's my opinion. It might not be yours. And that's fine. But if you eat hamburgers or pork chops or wear leather or a whole bunch of other stuff...well something to think about.
Anyhow...thanks for reading...I had to purge that out of my system. This was probably my longest rant and nary a picture. Kiss hug.